A note from the founder…

My passion for home improvement started in the 80s when I began studying woodworking and building custom furniture. I came to admire the level of craftsmanship and detail that goes into each piece of fine furniture. After my wife, Michelle, and I bought our first home in 1988 and our three daughters joined us in the years that followed, we quickly realized that we would need to get creative with the space we had in order to make it work better for our family. What started out of necessity became something that we grew to love. It is now our passion!

In 2021, we started this business with one mission: to provide superior craftsmanship from people you can trust. McLeod Home Services, LLC. is a licensed and insured general contracting company. We are a local faith-based and family-owned business providing quality interior and exterior home remodeling, renovations, and repairs in and around the Harnett, Wake, and Johnston County areas. We believe in doing things the right way.

A home is more than just four walls and a roof. It’s where memories are made, meals are prepared, seasons are savored, and where families are kept close. Thank you for trusting us with yours.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters (Col. 3:23)

Gene McLeod, President + Owner